However, it was criticized for its insensitive voice acting choices and its rather repetitive music scores. The expansion also benefits from the persisting platform, allowing players to host multiplayer games and relive classic warfare experiences with friends. You control the new Horde war chief Thrall as he finds a new home for his people. It also lets you experience a campaign that’s more focused on role-playing instead of the traditional RTS. You meet new heroes such as the Blood Elf prince Kael’thas and Illidan Stormrage.

In terms of single-player campaigns, Frozen Throne raises the stakes in the original real-time strategy part-with increased difficulty and more personal stories. Also, there are new units such as Blood Elves, the Naga, and the Draenei. Sea-based units are returned from Warcraft II. After that, it introduces a host of new content. As such, it requires you to have a working copy of Reigns of Chaos. The first thing players should know about Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne is that it is an expansion and not a standalone game.